Michael Whelan.com

We soft-launched the new Michael Whelan.com last Friday, mostly spreading the word via social media so far. Press releases and email blasts are still to come, but the new site design has garnered reviews from industry peers already.


Dan Dos Santos in his review on Muddy Colors said:

Michael’s revamped site is not only pretty, and really functional… but holy cow it’s extensive! There are literally HUNDREDS of paintings to browse. All of them are well scanned and very well categorized. Michael’s illustration work, and his personal work, are both represented here. If you enjoy realistic fantasy, it’s a must see.

Jake Parker said on Drawn:

But when I saw Michael Whelan recently got a brand new website (that showcases his best works of Sci-fi, fantasy, horror and everything in between) it aroused that old fondness for his work from deep down. I had forgotten how much he inspired me as a kid and helped me set my course to someday be a professional artist.

I will be doing a feature on Michael Whelan.com here soon, and also a short biographical piece how I originally got involved with the project. Stay tuned.

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