The website for Westside Parent Education Nursery School’s was another renovation project, but one that allowed us to play on the cuter side of the design spectrum. WPENS is a coop nursery school. The teachers stay the same, but each year parents take on different administrative duties to keep the school running. Naturally, there had been a lot of different hands touching the website over...
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A service for today’s economy

Belle Jackson Design focuses on affordable website solutions for artists, small businesses, and non-profit organizations.

Our services range from the setup of simple websites to the construction and maintenance of robust e-commerce enabled sites.

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A customer service focus

The secret of getting that “wow” reaction from a client is an equal mix of creative vision and technical execution.

What comes between is that intangible ingredient in the design process, the ability to listen, determine the client’s needs, and then adapt.

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Built on a dynamic platform

We build our sites in WordPress, an easy to use platform that enables our clients to keep their site moving forward.

Working with a dynamic Content Management System (CMS) such as WordPress allows even an inexperienced user to continue developing content.

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Passages: My Way to Michael Whelan

As a bookstore manager working my way through college, my buying responsibilities meant I often met with publisher reps. These visits included briefings on upcoming titles—sometimes a formality, sometimes the source of a great discovery. My formal introduction to Michael Whelan’s artwork began during a visit with Bantam Books. I’d always been a fan of sci-fi but until the...
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